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Career Track Counseling Sessions

We offer resume, job, and LinkedIn consulting services to assist individuals in applying for jobs and professional positions. As part of our commitment to supporting our community, we have a structure in place that we believe will help the both of us.

Career Track Counseling Sessions
Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com / Unsplash

We're Here To Help You Land the Job

Allow us to guide you as we navigate the intricate process of creating an outstanding resume that truly showcases your skills and achievements, developing a robust LinkedIn profile that captures the attention of recruiters and professionals in your industry, and crafting a compelling cover letter that sets you apart from the competition.

Our aim is to provide you with the guidance and expertise necessary to answer these questions and more. By leveraging both everyday tools and our extensive experience, we empower you to chart the most effective course forward, ensuring that you not only reach but exceed your worth in the professional arena.

Here is what we do:

Resume Workshopping
Your resume is a reflection of you. This is why RioProgress always ensures that we meet for over an hour virtually or in-person so that we can get to know you. We will ask you questions about your strengths, weaknesses, goals, and experience so that we can make sure your resume is 100% you. Finally, you'll get to learn exactly how we build our templates, why we use the formats we use, and how you can use these skills to be better at resumes in the future!
Job Search & LinkedIn Curation
Your next job will have an online component to it. Whether you are a student entering the workforce for the first time, or an experienced professional who is looking to enter into higher management, you need a proper online persona. We include 2 sessions for those looking to get the most out of LinkedIn, Indeed, and other Job Boards and professional media. We use research and evidence based methods to find the jobs that fit your experience, skills, and talents. We then help you curate the best possible profile for success and we teach you how to do it for yourself!
Interview Coaching
The easy work is done, now its time to put your best foot forward. These 2 sessions are to help prepare you for your first and second interviews. We have mastered the art of presentation, communication, and business etiquette. We'll use our experience as professionals, and as mentors to guide you through how to prepare for your phone screening, in person interviews, and skill checks as part of the process of landing the position. We'll even connect you with someone in the same or similar field so that you get industry specific feedback and clarity to what they want in your interview.
Negotiation & Salary Expectations
You got the job, and now its time to help you negotiate your offer (if needed). We're happy to help you review documents, benefits options, salary, and much more. We are sure to leave nothing on the table and will use our research on average salaries in the market for your role, experience, and industry to make sure you get paid your worth (and hopefully a little more 😄). These sessions are for those who would like guidance in this difficult part of the job finding process. We'll help you lower the stakes, and negotiate on your terms so that you can make the right decision for your career and future prospects.

Our Packages

Package Recommended Fee Number of Sessions How We'll Help
Entry Level $25 1 📄
Senior $50 3 📄💻*
Director $75 5 📄💻👩‍🏫*
Executive $100 8 📄💻👩‍🏫💵*

*Also Included: Unlimited access for questions, emails, and text messages with our team - for any last minute help you need or additional questions for 3 months after the session.

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