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How To Read a Job Post

Discover why job descriptions are just the tip of the iceberg for new graduates entering the job market. We reveal the truth behind common doubts like lacking experience so you know what jobs you can do!

How To Read a Job Post

Job descriptions almost never tell the whole story. Especially for those leaving college to apply for their first job. In our experience in RioProgress helping students and professionals enter the workforce, the job description is the first barrier applicants face before landing the job.

"I'm not qualified for this position"
"They're asking for someone with much more experience."
"I don't have the skills they are asking for"

I hear it all the time, and its because most of these examples are true. You're not supposed to meet all of the requirements. This is the ideal candidate who often times doesn't exist. Take Sebastian Ramirez, creator of FastAPI. In 2020, he tweeted that he himself was not qualified for a job due to a lack of "years of experience."

I saw a job post the other day. It required 4+ years of experience in FastAPI. I couldn't apply as I only have 1.5+ years of experience since I created that thing. Maybe it's time to re-evaluate that "years of experience = skill level".
For the 1000th time, the description is always the unicorn candidate. Given the unicorns tend to be recruited by bigger fishes that don't even make public listing of their offers... Make your own conclusions I guess...

How Does A Job Get Posted?

We need to realize that the job description is not the whole story, and it is not the reason why you should refrain from submitting a job application. Let's briefly talk about how a job description gets made.

Step 1. Manager realizes they need someone to fill the position - they talk to finance to get budget and Human Resources (HR) for the job posting.
Step 2. Talent Acquisition (TA) in HR asks the manager to describe the requirements of the job and the ideal candidate.
Step 3. Talent Acquisition uses standard language, and based on the proposed budget, will use a matrix to determine how many "years" of experience they expect from someone of that skill level and pay grade.
Step 4. Keywords and SEO practices are applied so that the job description gets traction on LinkedIn, indeed, and other jobs posting sites. Marketing may get involved to ensure the company persona is showcased through the job description.
Step 5. The job is published, often times looking completely different than what the manager posted in the first place. Also the people who wrote the job description often have little to no experience actually doing the work of that professional.

Job Hiring GIF by The Orchard Films

This happens because looking for a job, and hiring the right candidate are both full time jobs and cannot be done by the hiring manager directly. So, do not filter yourself out; picking the right candidate is not your job!

Then How Do I Know I am Qualified?

You are qualified if you understand the expectations of the work so that you can adapt your skills to the job with some learning time involved. Certain jobs require explicit credentials so don't apply to be a Doctor, Nurse, Lawyer, Stock Brokers, or Architects without getting or knowing how to obtain the necessary credentials. So this means look at jobs that you see yourself being able to execute at a comfortable level on a daily basis - with some opportunities for growth in there.

Take this example of a generic job description with the help of ChatGPT. đŸ€–

Job Description:
We are seeking a dedicated individual to join our team as a General Worker. The ideal candidate will assist in various tasks to support the smooth operation of our organization. This position requires adaptability, teamwork, and a strong work ethic.

1. Assist with a variety of tasks as needed to support operations.
2. Follow instructions and guidelines to complete assigned duties efficiently and accurately.
3. Work collaboratively with team members to achieve common goals and meet deadlines.
4. Operate equipment and tools safely and effectively, following proper procedures.
5. Maintain a clean and orderly work environment.
6. Communicate effectively with supervisors and coworkers to coordinate tasks and ensure smooth operations

You are qualified for this job. This role requires skills that you learn while in school, and through lived life experience. If there are technical skills needed, you will have to consider your ability to understand and apply those skills. Otherwise, every job is asking for you to be able to do the above!

So How Should I Look at Job Descriptions?

Start with The Words
Look at the language of the job description. Most descriptions will describe a set of experiences and certifications that are required (must-haves), as well as preferred (nice-to-haves). Missing the "nice to haves" do not make you underqualified! The nice to haves are to help you understand what knowledge is expected from you.

Example: In many cases, job posts request that you have a bachelors degree in a relevant field. This is usually a soft requirements or a recommendation. Instead they expect the caliber of work from someone who has spent the same amount of time learning and using tools at that level. In software development and tech especially, many people who are highly skilled at coding do not have a college degree. Its the reason why various tech startups and businesses are founded by people who did not complete college.

You Don’t Need a College Degree to Land a Great Job
Not having a college degree shouldn’t diminish your chances of securing a good job. One of the best ways to move forward is to create a strong social media presence. It will help you stand out, get noticed by potential employers, and find a job you want. Start by auditing your social media profiles. Make sure your profile picture looks professional and real. When you share your work experiences, ensure that they match your rĂ©sumĂ©. Don’t hesitate to include any additional details about your jobs (such as additional responsibilities, awards, etc.) that you couldn’t fit on your rĂ©sumĂ©. Pay attention to the people you follow. Connect with industry leaders and potential employers, especially on platforms like LinkedIn. Like, share, and respond to their updates. Prove your passion. Follow hashtags and discussions and stay abreast with the latest industry news. Focus on the content you share, write, and post. When you see an interesting topic, repost the articles and share your commentary or thoughts. Finally, learn new skills and show them off on social platforms. Did you just learn Adobe Illustrator? Share a certification or a new project you completed as part of the course. Know that you don’t have to be an expert to share your skills. If you’re a self-taught baker, you can create interesting video content using Instagram Reels and TikTok to share your knowledge.

Look at Years of Experience as Skill Level
The best way I help people understand what "years of experience" mean, I use the following guidelines:

1 - 2 Years of Experience = Basic functional experience. Able to independently perform tasks to produce an average product or outcome mostly independently, or with resources available.

2 - 4 Years of Experience = Intermediate functional experience. Able to configure or modify applications or processes to produce above average outcomes independently. Can train or assist others in facilitating the responsibilities of the role.

4 - 7 Years of Experience = Advanced functional experience. Able to engineer, design, configure applications or processes to produce unique or advanced outcomes or high productivity. This person requires no management and will facilitate the responsibilities independently and self sufficiently. Can lead or manage others in the facilitation of responsibilities.

8+ Years of Experience = Expert functional experience. Able to programmatically facilitate the application or development of a business process from scratch. This person is capable of reporting directly to executive leadership on the orchestration of the application or processes and is familiar with industry best practices, and can adapt program level practices to fit the business priorities.

Someone out of college is perfectly capable of applying for a job that requires 4-7 advanced functional experience if they engage in sufficiently challenging projects and internship experience. Meanwhile, there are people who are in the workforce for 15 years who only have skills that are at an entry level. It is all about the level you are able to perform at.

How to Determine Which Position Level to Apply For
Discover the different job levels and learn how to identify the positions that best match your experience.

Who Can I Ask for Help To See If I'm Qualified?

The Hiring Manager
Sometimes you might be able to reach out directly to the person hiring for the position online! Take a look at LinkedIn where many professionals and managers will reach out and post jobs online. Often times, the person actually looking for an employee will post the position and you can reach out to them directly! Phil's last job was from a very similar interaction!

A straightforward guide on how to recruit on Twitter

A Potential Coworker or Person in a Similar Role In Your Network
Your first person you can really speak to is someone who is in the role already! Reach out to your connections to see if there is specific experience you may need as well as get an understanding of the day to day of the job! The HR recruiter may not actually know what the day to day will look like so getting some information ahead of time can only help you build a strong application!

In my experience, students from my alma matter always reach out to connect and find opportunities with the company I work for. I'm always happy to help as most people are in networking spaces.

Us At RioProgress!
We can walk you through those applications and help you find positions that you fit well in with your existing experience! Let's have a chat!